About V.I.P. Service

Dear Friends,
V.I.P. SERVICE Prague is the premiere public relations specialist offering a comprehensive suite of services.  We pride ourselves on providing stays in the Czech Republic, from professional transportation, airport transfers, and hotel accommodation to interpreters, guides, and protection services.

Our fleet includes late model Mercedes Benz executive sedans, vans and passenger mini-buses (featuring TV & VCR, and FAX), and Mercedes Benz motor coaches.

We can provide private planes and helicopters.
Each vehicle is driven by a trained and experienced driver who speaks at least one global language.

Thank you for considering V.I.P. SERVICE Prague for your transportation needs.  No matter what the occasion may be, we have the exact solution to meet with your specific travel needs.  You will remember us for the quality of our customer service, clear communication, and reliable and fast access.

Zdeněk Zahradník


Our cars

Hotel Transport


We offer and provide full security services. Bodyguards for business clients and celebrities, security at events and venues, concerts and properties. We are VIP Service Prague for 23 years. Our name is your reference.

Other Services


V.I.P. SERVICE Prague s.r.o.

náměstí Svobody 728/1, Bubeneč, 160 00 Praha 6
REG 03949311
REG VAT CZ03949311
ČÍSLO ÚČTU: 8478478472/5500
IBAN: CZ2555000000008478478472

Dodavatel je zapsán v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze v oddíle C, vložce číslo 240167

náměstí Svobody 728/1, Bubeneč, 160 00 Praha 6
REG 48128953
REG VAT CZ6311260648
ČÍSLO ÚČTU: 847847848/5500
IBAN: CZ7455000000000847847848
Dodavatel je zapsán v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze v odd. A, vložce č. 44828.
CALL: (00 420) 777 VIP VIP
CALL: (00 420) 604 VIP VIP  (604 847 847)

TEL: (00 420) 2 24 32 53 23

CELL PHONE: (00 420) 602 208 227
CELL PHONE: (00 420) 608 208 227


Drop us a line


Contact Information

Passenger Information & Comments

Also, list anything specific we should look for.

Reservation Information

Purpose of rental

(Airport Pickup/Drop, Other)

If an Airport Trip, fill out following please

Private Flight